Good news to all fathers and sons, members or not, of the Kodiak Father-Son Club: activities have resumed!
The club has returned to its original format of fathers and their sons, who are around the 9 to 13 age range. An attempt to re-start activities took place at the beginning of September, but the plans were interrupted by the last round of restrictions. The hope was that the restrictions would eventually be relaxed and members would be able to meet as planned. As you all now, this is not the case, and things do not appear to be changing any time soon. For this reason, the club has decided that getting together outdoors is better than not getting together at all!
The first Kodiak meeting of the 2021/2022 season occurred on December 4. The location was Bowness Park, in northwest Calgary. Fathers and sons got together from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, where everybody roasted hot dogs and played outdoor games. The turnout was fantastic and everyone had a lot of fun!
More activities are planned for the following dates:
- January 22, 2022
- February 26, 2022
- March 26, 2022
- April 23, 2022
- May 28, 2022
- June 18, 2022
For further information, registration, and specific activity times and locations, please visit Kodiak’s website.