What is going on in Edmonton?

The most recent initiatives for Edmonton, revolve around a bi-weekly Father and Son’s club, and a six-day summer camp for boys, in August.

 A Father’s & Son’s club was enthusiastically started by Curtis Kaup, who rose to the challenge with the sporting spirit described by St. Josemaria.  The club began activities in a school gym in January 2024, and will soon migrate to the outdoor soccer fields and ball diamonds of Edmonton.  It’s also rumored that geese may be in peril come hunting season, and the art of making “jerky” may be a life skill yet to be learned by the participants.  The group is ever expanding and meets every two weeks for sports and the traditional talk.  Way to go, Curtis!!!!!!

The first boys camp in years, will be held at Sylvan Lake, approximately 30 minutes northwest of Red Deer, from August 11th to 17th.  “Bowcamp” is for boys aged 10 to 15 and is now fully booked with 68 campers”, 8 leaders aged 18 to 22, and 8 adult supervisors. There are four teams, each with 2 leaders and 18 campers, occupying two cabins per team.  The schedule is dynamic and promises to be super interesting and fun for the boys!  They will be challenged, inspired, and transformed in many ways through their experience at this camp.  They will meet new friends, embrace new challenges, develop new skills, and almost assuredly advance to a new level of confidence in themselves, their fellow man, and God. 

The camp has an impressive leadership team all of whom are dedicated volunteers. It is designed for the camper’s progressive development over a number of years of camp attendance.

Registration has been almost overwhelming, and the proposed camp has received outstanding support and interest.

Camp Motto: “No boy left behind”.   

If you are able to assist in some practical capacity with either activity, please contact Bill Curtain 780-668-4509 or bill.curtain@gmail.com.

 Financial contributions for a charitable donation tax receipt may be made through e-transfer at: north.bow.donations@gmail.com. Please indicate note “Bowcamp” on your donation.

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